The Adventures of MJ

An interesting blog about MJ and his adventures

Saturday, January 21, 2006

A strange thing happened to me on the way from the blog

You know the way you can move to another blog, by clicking on "next blog" and a random blog appears. Well, I decided to do that today and came across an interesting quote:

"Today was one of those days where someone really pressed me to the limits. You ever experience one of those types of people that just serious messed with your mind until you just completely exploded, going way past your boiling points. Then, I decided to just let off some steam and go looking for more info about hunter air cleaners. It was truly releasing."*

I'm not of the temperament to get irritated, usually, and cannot imagine that if I ever got a bit wound up I would relieve myself by looking for air purifying units. Each to their own, I guess. Although, saying that, I must confess, I was intrigued by the "Mustang" Air Cleaners" found on the website he refers to.

*This quote was taken from


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